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Ars Futura


Ars Futura


Branding, Motion




Ars Futura


Branding, Motion

Studio Size designed a brand identity for Ars Futura, a design and development agency focused on the gaming industry. The company’s new visual identity captures the bold vision and culture set forth by its founders. Drawing inspiration from the optimistic futurism of the last century, the art direction breaks the mold for its industry. We aimed to steer clear of a trendy or predictable look, instead opting for an imaginative, open, and fun appearance. The motto “Future starts today” embodies the brand’s optimistic outlook and the belief that sincere, correct actions today will create a proud legacy for the future.

The logomark serves as a visual symbol for the brand, acting as a simplified version of the logotype.


The color system pays tribute to Ars Futura’s past brand colors, while the typography blends the style of the 70s and 80s with modern functionality.

The stripe is a fundamental component of the visual identity, serving either as background graphics or as a standalone design element.

The new motto, “Future starts today,” captures the brand’s belief in building a lasting legacy.

This project included creating a new verbal and visual identity, motion branding, illustration style, and photographic guidelines.

The motion branding is influenced by vintage CRT screen technology, video games from the last century, and the technical limitations of motion design from that time.