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Zembo Latifa


Zembo Latifa


Branding, Motion


Zembo Latifa


Branding, Motion

Venera is the debut album of the upcoming hip-hop artist Zembo Latifa. The visual identity we created for the artist is a dynamic design system with custom fonts and rich iconography. We also designed the cover art for the album, visuals for songs, and swag.

The dynamic identity system enables thousands of variations of imagery, illustration, and animation.

Brand typography includes two custom fonts: Zembo Sans and Zembo Serif by Hotfonts.

The custom Zembo fonts are combined with the GT America extended font.

Brand typography is enhanced with custom dynamic lettering, primarily used for lyrics in music videos.

Venera or Venus is both the goddess of love and the planet. The cover art visual shows this ambiguity.

Construction of layout for Youtube song cover art and social media assets.